
You can trace the journey of your tea blend from farm to cup!

We believe that our consumers have the right to trace their products back to their source, knowing how their purchases have positive impact on society and the environment.

On your tea packaging, check out the QR code that will lead you to the supply chain of your product including information about the ingredients and their producers. Just enter the batch number that is on the bottom of your tube!

If you do not have a tube at hand – no worries. Below you can find a sample page of one of our tea blends.


We believe that our consumers have the right to trace their products back to their source, knowing how their purchases have positive impact on society and the environment.

On your tea packaging, check out the QR code that will lead you to the supply chain of your product including information about the ingredients and their producers. Scan your QR code, open the link and enter the batch number that is on the bottom of your tube.

Since August 2023, we have upgraded our tracing facility to include more information directly from our supply chain management system. The new tracing codes are slightly longer than the older ones and follow a format that looks like this: CS034/081222. Use the link below if you have a newer product with this type of traceability code. 

For customers that purchased our products before August 2023, our old batch tracing system still works! Try CS 0042 (no hyphen) as batch number to see a sample page!

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